Are you interested in learning more about Catholicism? Do you have friends or acquaintances who are questioning what Catholicism is all about? Do you have Catholic family members or friends who have fallen away from the Faith? Invite them to investigate the truth about Catholicism by joining the RCIA group here at Immaculate Conception Church. Classes meet once a week beginning in late August and conclude with the Easter Vigil Mass. Practicing Catholics are encouraged to join as well -- you are guaranteed to learn things about the Church you may have never known!
In recent years there has been a great increase in the number of adults who are joining the Catholic Church. RCIA (which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program designed to help non-Catholics and non-practicing Catholics learn more about Catholicism through a series of classes, discussions, prayer times and ceremonies. This program helps people grow in faith and knowledge of God as they consider becoming Catholic. There is no obligation to join the Catholic Church.
Immaculate Conception's RCIA program is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. If you are not yet sure whether you want to become Catholic, you are still welcome to participate as you make your decision.
People from all sorts of religious backgrounds join the RCIA. Some have been baptized in another Christian religion and some have not. Some have been practicing members of a Christian religion for years and some have had little or no religious instruction or support. Some are already Catholic but are seeking a greater understanding of our Faith.
The RCIA is a mix of praying, learning facts, discussing how these apply to our lives, participating in prayerful ceremonies (called "rites") and most importantly, using all of these experiences to build and grow in a relationship with God.